• Pure London X JATC | 9-11 Feb 2025 | Olympia Events
  • Discover Fashion Magic

New colours July 2024









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Peach Fuzz

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. This is a Black Default Link . Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; 

Pink Champagne

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. This is a White Default Link . Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; 


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Plain White

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Pure London x JATC is a trade collective of global fashion designers, brands, buyers, creative minds and industry leading educational seminars. We provide an international platform for hundreds of brands who shape trends and lead the conversation on sustainable fashion.

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is to become the UK’s most inspiring and diverse celebration of fashion, providing the most trusted trends insights, speaking up for sustainability, and offering transformative business opportunities.

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is to become the UK’s most inspiring and diverse celebration of fashion, providing the most trusted trends insights, speaking up for sustainability, and offering transformative business opportunities.



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The Inside Fashion blog of Pure London x JATC. Find all the latest insider trends, industry leading topics and all things fashion here. 
  • The fashion industry has always favoured tall and skinny models, if you look into catwalk footage of the past decades, they tend to look quite similar. But over the past few years, things have been ch ...
  • The pandemic has changed the way we perceive and interact with technology. Many brands and retailers developed their online business exponentially during this period, which also led to tech fatigue. T ...
  • Many retailers struggle to keep up with the sustainability movement. Businesses need to consider ESG – short for Environmental, Social and Governance – a set of standards measuring their impact on soc ...
  • The pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the retail industry, physical stores move location much more frequently, and many businesses are using popups to test the market sometimes for only a ...
  • Many retailers face difficulties when navigating and managing their online presence. Selling digitally has many advantages, from being able to reach customers worldwide to minimizing the impact of ris ...
  • Many retailers find it difficult to navigate digital, from marketing budget allocation to social media platforms, and building websites. What's the best way to develop a strong online presence? Amy Ho ...

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The Inside Fashion blog of Pure London x JATC. Find all the latest insider trends, industry leading topics and all things fashion here. 

    15 Aug 2023
    Pure London, the UK’s largest Festival of Fashion, has announced that from February 2024 Just Around The Corner (JATC) will unite with Pure London to create Pure London x JATC, sitting under Hyve’s re ...
  • Pure London, the UK’s largest Festival of Fashion, ended this afternoon following three exciting days of innovative and trend-led fashion and inspiring and educational content. Retailers including Joh ...
  • The opening day of Pure London, the UK’s largest Festival of Fashion, welcomed hundreds of retailers from across the UK.

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